Why now is the time to hit your life reset button


Why now is the time to hit your life reset button

At this moment in time, is it difficult to envision a time when you…

  • are free to travel without restriction?
  • find everything you need at the grocery store and not have to stand six feet apart at check out?
  • go out to dinner at a restaurant and maybe enjoy a drink at a bar full of other patrons?
  • don’t have to worry about employment or paying your rent or mortgage payment?

I bet it is hard to envision any of this right now.

But also answer this: Did you ever envision a time when we would be asked to “shelter-in-place”? Prior to 2020, no one would have ever thought this current situation would even be a possibility, let alone reality. But here we are, hunkered down in mid-April.

With that line of thinking, we must always believe anything is possible. We certainly don’t want to envision things getting worse, but we must believe that things will get better.

The Day Will Come

Yes, there will be a moment in the future where we are all let out of our current shelter-in-place restrictions. Where we can go out and about again and not feel scared of contracting or spreading an unseen, deadly virus. 

Sit here for a moment and envision that feeling. Can you describe the feeling?

I think of a euphoric feeling like that first spring day after a long, cold winter where the fresh air breathes new life into your soul as you step outside. Or that feeling when you are departing for a weeklong vacation. Excited. Relieved. Invigorated.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath into that feeling. 

Hopefully you didn’t envision running around giving everyone a big hug. Because for many of us, that would seem logical. It would look like we were just let out of our cages after two months. Of course life won’t be exactly the same as it once was, but it will be freeing nonetheless. 

Your Life Reset

While that euphoric moment hasn’t arrived yet, I have something for you to consider:

Consider using this current moment in your life a reset. A life pause. A time to focus on you!

Can you go back throughout your adult life and think through all of the dreams and hopes you have once considered, but then decided to place that hope or dream on the back burner saying “one day” you will get to that? Or that time in your life where you held back because you were unsure of the consequences?

And I’m not talking about the home improvement projects that have been on your to-do list for several years, but I’m talking about your personal self-improvement thoughts. I’m talking about that thing in your life that you may struggle with in your gut but have chosen to push away or brush under the rug to deal with later.

What would that be for you?

Maybe you wanted to get closer to your partner or to your family or even yourself. To re-evaluate your career or your current living situation or city. Maybe you wanted to learn how to start a new business or begin studying a specific topic. Or take a deep dive into creating your higher purpose and bigger lifetime goals. I’m talking about a time to focus on YOU!

If you have always wanted to take a deeper dive but just didn’t know where to begin, I’m happy to help you! I’m currently developing an online course to help others develop their personal life success roadmap. If you would be interesting in taking this course for free, please click here to send me an email!

Go For It!

We may never have a moment like this ever again. A time when the world is collectively resting. A time when your mind has paused from everything it is used to doing. 

We have always had opportunity to better our lives. But when will we ever have this unique time period again? Because that “one day” is NOW. Once your life gets going again, “one day” will pop back up, and we will continue pushing things off to a later date.

Take this moment and use it to your advantage. Use this as your life reset. Go for something you have been dreaming about. Anything is possible!


Cory helps others follow their dreams and create success. Join Cory's Tribe!

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      Cory Calvin

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