Inspiring Those That Feel Invisible: Launching “Inspired by Pride” Series

Inspire, LifeStyle

Inspiring Those That Feel Invisible: Launching “Inspired by Pride” Series

June is officially Pride Month. For many in smaller communities, like the community I was raised in Northwest Ohio, pride activities and messaging are typically less visible than in larger cities who host pride parades and festivals like Chicago, Indianapolis, Dallas, and New York.

And most people, who identify as LGBT+, eventually leave small communities after high school and college to live in more urban environments that offer more social opportunities. As many of you read in my book, I Almost Became Me: A Memoir, I left Ball State University after graduation and moved to the big city lights of New York City.  It is in New York where I first had the opportunity to begin outwardly discovering my sexuality and learning who I truly was. I was on my way to become me.

Inspired by Pride

I was able to experience my first gay pride parade in New York City in 2002 and then go on to experience pride parades in Chicago. I wish everyone has the opportunity to experience a pride parade at least once in their lifetime. It is an incredible moment where people from all walks of life come together to support diversity. Gay, straight, male, female, black, white, Christian, non-Christian. Everyone is donned in a pride flag watching the colorful expressions pass by. Smiles, laughter, hugs, cheers, happy vibes all outwardly shining together. It is one of my favorite moments of the year.

Since many people that follow me have never experienced a pride event or even knew that June is pride month, I am kicking off my “Inspired by Pride” Series on my Author Facebook Page @CoryCalvinOfficial.

Each weekday morning in June, I will be posting a video on my Facebook page related to Pride Month. This video series will be a way to help educate those who may not know what pride is or what pride stands for or even how to become an ally to someone of the LGBT community. And it is a way to spread a message of inspiration and inclusion. I will ask followers like you to post messages and videos in response to my video questions and messages. Some days I will ask you to share a story that impacted you. Other times I will offer a message of empowerment to those who may feel they are unable to come out to be their authentic self, just like I had for many years when I lived in my small town.

My hope is that these collective video messages will speak to the younger “Corys” of today. To those that feel they don’t have a role model or a support system nearby to help them become who they were meant to be. To those that are experiencing a parent, friend, or relative who isn’t accepting. To those that may continued to be bullied as a result of being different or feel they are an outcast in society.

CLICK HERE to watch the Inspired by Pride Series kickoff video

Help others by sharing your story

You will be able to help by sharing your personal story of inspiration each day along with me. One of the keys to spreading a message of inspiration is to make it visible. To basically “come out” and show a human face to the message instead of typing words. This will help others connect in much deeper level.

Here are the simple steps to be a part of this uplifting experience:

  1. Follow my Author Page on Facebook (CLICK HERE and then click the “LIKE” button)
  2. Watch my video message each day
  3. Respond to the video message when you feel like it. I realize many people don’t like to take videos of themselves but visibility is key for impact.  

Here are the simple steps to record a video message with your phone:

  1. Open your Camera App
  2. Switch the option to video (and not camera)
  3. Make sure your phone is horizontal (long-ways) for better sharing/viewing on social media and the camera is recording you
  4. Record yourself with your response to the question or message
  5. Post the video in a reply to my video message

I’m excited for you to take part in this inspirational series to spread the message of hope and inclusion. This will be a great way for everyone – small town and urban environment – to join together and take part in Pride Month!

I can’t wait to help inspire those that may need help but are currently hiding, not ready to be their authentic self. Let’s all do our part to help show them we are here for them to begin living their full life.

Happy Pride!


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    Cory Calvin


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